Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ode To You

So life is hard, deal.
So things aren't going your way, change.
So you can't, so you won't, so you don't know how.
So don't.

Close your mouth, open your eyes,
Your mind, your heart,
Stop spewing your rancid quotes
Of sameness, of uneffected monotony.

We get it, you're you,
No qualifier will ever justify.
So don't change, don't live.
Stay the same and wallow.

So I get it, you're you,
But if this pleases you so much,
Why is it a constant string of
Why, why, whys and crying woe to me?

So you get it, you're you,
I'm so happy that this is plain to see.
You've accepted your stature of sameness,
And you plan to let it fester.

So do it, end your life while you're still living.
Or perhaps you never began.
Do it and keep it to yourself.
Because if I can't help you, I don't need the reminders.

It's not that I don't care, I do.
But with every step backwards,
Or every time your feet plant into the dirt,
The pain in my heart is overwhelming.

So do what you have to do,
Don't worry, don't fret, don't change,
Stay how you are and be it always.
But do it in quiet.

But if ever you choose to live again,
To open your eyes, to take a breath,
To start that step you faltered on for so long,
Whisper your humble acquiescence.
And running I will come.

1 comment:

Rick said...

very lovely, very real :) ty for posting