Friday, June 4, 2010


Today I'm talking about something I really didn't want to talk about. Manda came up to me with it, and I just shook it off, the video she wanted me to watch was over forty minutes long and was about a anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda (Africa). I didn't wanna watch it or get too involved with the issues for a number of reasons, for one we have enough issues here in America with our inability to simply accept Homosexuality as something not to be feared or hated, it's a bill being passed in an African Nation a place I have shall we say, limited (i.e. None), influence over, and finally I just wanted to play Hitman: Blood Money before work.

But I did watch the video after some goading, and it was... sadly... as expected. It was filled with the same ignorance and hatred as the Anti-Gay people over here. Men stood in front of many and used misinformation and lies to spread their vile hate of others. The only difference between Uganda and America is just how wide spread it has become, that and of course it may lead to death for being gay. Fueling this hatred, this vile act, is of course, Evangelicals.

Many people believe it is a handful of Evangelicals from America that sparked this whole issue, that before them, while being gay in Uganda was by no means a safe life as it was still considered illegal, has now has become deadly as the flames of hatred have fanned across the entire nation. These men came to this country and spoke lies, they spoke hatred, they spoke against their fellow man, all in the name of their god. It amazes me how one line in a book written centuries ago can still influence us today simply because a man named Leviticus said the voice in his head was God.

I felt the twinge of my rage come early in the video when the man, and I use the word man lightly here, who proposed the bill stated that the reason he did it was to protect the children. Again and again we here this argument, and it is always so ludicrous it makes me want to scream. It's a clever trick, actually, to associate something you dislike with something considered morally wrong in nearly all cultures. You say Homosexuality and Pedophilia, and suddenly anyone who happens to like men becomes a pedophile. It's offensive and wrong, plain and simple. Anyone who has looked at the statistics will know that the most common occurrence of pedophilia is adult men and underage girls. And that's only the reported cases, with all these teachers being outed lately, I wouldn't be surprised if adult women and underage boys is higher on the list than gays.

The simple fact is that these people rally against something harmless because of their fantasy. They know they can't truly get anywhere with simply saying 'the Bible says so', so they concoct lies, they slander, they mislead, and they invent. They tell people that gays want your children, that there's a massive Homosexual agenda, that gay sex is deviant and dangerous. They tell people that Homosexuality is completely unnatural, a choice, something that can be fixed and rehabilitated...

And it's all lies. It's the worst kind of lie, hate filled and designed to stir emotion of people not thinking straight. As much as I want to, and I really want to, I can't hate the people of Uganda. They're all being mislead, they're all being told fantastic and simply untrue things about Homosexuality. If I didn't know any better, if I looked upon a man I respected and looked up to, if he told me that Gays were monsters and showed me graphs and pictures of disturbing images... I too would revert to a primal emotional response... The fear, the confusion, the urge to protect myself and those I love. These people are filled with hate, yes, but it's not their fault. They're being fed... They're being lied to. They react quick to what they don't truly understand... And it's those men and women at the top, the people who have the masses trust, the ones who do know better who are the true scum. It's just so sad to see bad people with influence.

I wonder if they'd say Homosexuality was unnatural if they knew that 1500 species of animals practice homosexual relationships?

1 comment:

Manda said...

All that's known
In History, in Science
At school, at home, by blind men

You doubt them
And soon they bark and hound you-
Till everything you say is just another bad about you

All they say
Is "Trust in What is Written"
Wars are made
And somehow that is wisdom

Thought is suspect
And money is their idol
And nothing is okay unless it's scripted in their Bible

But I know
There's so much more to find-
Just in looking through myself
And not at them

Still, I know
To trust my own true mind
And to say: there's a way through this

On I go
To wonder and to learning
Name the stars and know their dark returning

I'm calling
To know the world's true yearning-
The hunger that a child feels for everything they're shown

You watch me-
Just watch me-
I'm calling
And one day all will know

Seemed fitting to me... Thank you for writing this.

The video if anyone wanted it: