Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm absent minded, I know this, and it's an issue. My mind tends to wander away from the things that are important, and settle upon whatever may tickle my fancy that is not my responsibilities. It makes things difficult sometimes, as I will fully have something planned in my mind, and fifteen minutes later when I intended to do it, my mind has simply drifted onto a new task. It's the reason I come now with ten minutes to produce an article.

Though there are advantages to it... Because my mind tends to drift, I can chain a string of thought a mile long, contemplating and analyzing a variety of things only tangentially related. These loose thoughts become solid ideas, which allows me to produce something without much brainstorming. Being absent minded, and coming to tasks at the zero hour has allowed me to stand the test of time. I work fast, taking those solid ideas and expanding them into a working project amazingly quick. I am able to go from thought, to idea, to product faster than most...

Though these are all excuses, the problem with all of this is that most of the time I simply end up not making it. The zero hour comes and goes without even a passing thought from me, only banging my head when it's brought up too little too late. I hate myself when I end up missing my deadlines, simply because there were no obstacles in my way aside from my own thought process.

I wonder to myself if other people are like me, people who's mind's run at a mile a minute, too fast to focus, too much at once to really rely on one thing. How many people forget dates, deadlines, appointments? How many people forget what they need to do even when they were just telling themselves to put some time aside later to do it? Is my frustration a uniqueness, or is it a common practice?

Don't you wish sometimes your brain would just listen to you?

1 comment:

Manda said...

Will, I found today's article astoundingly insiteful into the nature of you.

I, as you well know, am of the same thought process as you. Only moreso.

I've been this way as long as I can remember.

In this, I can say that I have made a sort of method into my madness.

Because I think so fast, too fast to keep up in hand or mouth, I have started a system to remember.

I call it OBSESSING.

You know I talk about things constantly, verbal reminders of things to do, to come, to see, to remember. Well, imagine my brain once you know this; for every verba reminder, there are 20 mental reminders.

NOW, I know this sounds insane to most rational people... but let me remind you of the insanely fluid thought process I am dealing with.

By the time a sane and normal person is finishing a singular thought process, I have finished five; maybe more depending on the day. So would it not then make sense that I would interject my reminders at the frequency I do.

Basically, it's obsess or forget with me. I hope you find a more peaceful balance, Iam.