Saturday, March 27, 2010

Harmonious Disposition

Each interaction
Each event
Each brush of the shoulders
Or kiss of the lips

Each opportunity
Each idea
Each meeting of the eye
or conversation

Everything.. Everyone... is a chance to learn.
About each other.... about yourself.

Don't let the opportunities slip away because of fear
Don't let the past cloud your present
Don't let your future dictate your actions

Cautiousness and curiosity must be balanced
You cannot use either excessively
They must find harmony

Without that delicate dance
There is no merit to the past
No present entanglements worth having
And no future to attend to

1 comment:

Rick said...

I throw caution to the wind :)this poem sounds like its partially or in whole (not sure which) to do with current situations you're finding yourself in *Great big snuggles*