Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bad, bad girl

So some of you might have noticed that I uh… Didn’t exactly post on time yesterday. In fact, I didn’t post at all yesterday.

And most of you know what this means. That it’s time for me to be punished.

Will’s decided the following punishment will be suitable. I have to write every day until the end of the week, that’s 5 days, punishing not only me but giving him some time off. And while I dislike this punishment greatly due to the week it currently is (you right bastard) I am going to do it because I, unlike William, am a woman of my word. Not that… William... is a woman… Moving along.

Will, since I’m posting ALONE this week, I expect you to bloody comment like every other reader. Deal with it.

So here’s my first punishment post.

All my life, I have always been early.

Early for church, early for school, early for parties, early for everything.

This is mostly my father’s fault. He hates being late. He hates being 5 minutes early. He hates being 10 minutes early. 15 or more. Always.

So all my life, always being early, I’ve always been the first to everything, the one that shows up when things aren’t quite ready, the awkward one who just waits for everyone else.

It’s enough to give a girl a complex!

So I’m more apathetic about time now, for the most part.

Ok that’s a lie. I’m not at all apathetic. Ask my family and friends.

“Guys we have to go, the movie is in an hour and it’s a 20 minute drive!”

“Dad, hurry up, I have to be there at 1.”
“Manda, it’s 11.”

So yeah. I was a bad girl. I promise to be more careful. After I slay William.

Leave suggestions for my 5 day punishment!



Toast said...

Well, if it means anything luv, I quite like hearing from you--so I look forward to having more Manda Posts!
Hope you can make it through the next 5 days without too much difficulty.

Unknown said...

B) I also have this "MUST BE EARLY" complex. lol

Rick said...

I'll have to think of suggestions for the punishment, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXY ONE have a great day

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo, you should write the last chapter to a fantasy novel where you literally "slay' Will.