Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hot Enough for You?

Weathers a funny thing, we tie so much to it. Our activities, social events, travel time, even our emotions are linked to weather or not the sun is shining. With so much linked to weather, it's a wonder that we don't understand more about it. Go on, think about it... In any given year how often is the weather man 100% right?

I happen to live in New Jersey, which means Mother Nature is Schizophrenic, don't believe me? For the past three days the weather has been mild and beautiful, coming in somewhere between 60 and 70 degrees (Fahrenheit), today it shot up to 90. No warning, no build up, just bam it's middle of July heat in April. I know I'm not the only one who noticed this, as at 5am this morning we had a brown out. Let me say that again, it's one week into April, and we're already having brown outs.

Being the internet addict I am, I'm always told to stop complaining. I get people from Arizona telling me about 120 degree summers, people from Florida (not you Manda) telling me about humidity, people all over telling me about how their weather is more extreme. Here's the thing though, their weather is extreme, but constant. People in Arizona rarely have a winter reach below 60 degrees, you wanna know what Jersey gets in winter? Teens.

My winter is cold, my summer is hot. I don't have the luxury to adjust to the climate, because it's so varied. But that also means I'm well suited go anywhere. I'm not gonna swelter in the south, I'm not gonna become frigid in mid-eastern winters. I belong nowhere in the climate scale, so I belong everywhere.

Whats the weather like where you're from?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well,oddly everything you described in NJ is about whats going on here in Virginia. We went from the worst snow storms in about 14 yeasr to 90 degrees and blankets (and I meen blankets) of pollen. It never ends, but at least it's never boring.