Monday, April 5, 2010


You know, we all have chapters in our lives, some long, some short. Some of these chapters are arduous, some are simple... Some come welcome, some we despise. But they all, eventually, come to an end. And each time a chapter is closed, good or bad, we feel elated.

A time in our life has just passed, an achievement, a journey, a trial of endurance. Something was completed, and it we can watch it shrink in the distance as we move forward with our days. Even when it ends in a way we would rather it not... we can still smile knowing that it is all behind us. An ended chapter leaves us refreshed, it leaves us free.

There's a blank page now, the blissfully unknown, nothing to endure, nothing to test, trudge through, or rise above. Nothing to work against, nothing to work on, nothing to work up. The future becomes ours, the next chapter new and exciting, wonder fills us as we contemplate what will come next, elation fills us as we know we can complete that chapter too.

Chapters come, and chapters go, good and bad they all help us grow in the end. Sometimes they're long, they hold us back for a time we wish we could have moved forward with, but even those chapters we hate, those we despise, they help us become more than what we were. They teach us something about ourselves, about the world. And they always end... eventually.

It's over.

1 comment:

Rick said...

And so ends another chapter in your writing career, :P I like what you write about, thought provoking or not. Keep up the good work