Friday, June 11, 2010

Some Lines and Questions

It's out of control, this spinning wheel of life.
You try to slow it down, dig your heels in, cling to the foundations.
You can't. You won't. You shouldn't, in all honesty.
Why try control something so beautiful, so wild?
Let it go, watch it fly. And follow.

That's all the artsy I have in my system right now.

Will's been writing a lot of great articles lately, important articles....

And I've been.... bleh.

I'm burnt out.

Maybe it's being sick.

Maybe it's actually having a life and a child to look after.

Who knows. I'm tired and I have nothing useful to add to this blog right now.

So maybe I'll try my hand in some articles.

Write about important things, important people, important ideas...

Leave me some suggestions of topics you'd like to hear about.

Or, if none of you do that, I'll just be forced to analyze some philosophy until I get my mojo back.

Here's a parting thought;

The more I learn about this country, this government, these laws and people; the more cynical I seem to get.

Individually, I tend to hope for the best. And when I hear thoughts on black people being inferior, gays going to hell or women being second class citizens; my heart tends to break.

When I thought of intolerance, I never thought I'd think so close to home.

Now here's a question for anyone reading this, Will included:

Is there a place for homophobic thoughts, racist beliefs and sexist ideals in our modern society?
I'm not talking about the people who force these ideas onto others, I'm talking about general beliefs.

Is there room to be tolerant of fear?

Is there room to be tolerant of intolerance?

Leave your thoughts, please. I'd honestly like to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A younger me would have fallen into spasms upon being asked that question.

I believe that we can live in a society along with people who have those beliefs, however I do not think that those people would find much favor from stating those thoughts openly. These days one can believe what one chooses, but it is very uncouth to have a solid opinion, be it one of tolerance or fear.
My answer in a nutshell, we can and do live with people harboring these beliefs, but if we tolerate them or not is up to each individually.