Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Chance I Waited For

My love, I saw it all!

Dancing around my head,
The scenes of what will be,
The scenes of what we are,
The scenes of what will come;
They are beautiful.

Small gestures of kindness;
Smiles where there are none,
Grateful sighs and slow kisses,
Embracing for no other reason than to feel,
The small moments that I've craved so long...

From the time I was small,
I dreamed of rain and kissing,
Cold noses and warm cheeks,
Sweet fingers brushing away wet tracks,
Broken words to form such strength.

And now, my love,
I've seen it all,
I've wanted it all,
I've yearned it all,
I've lost it all.

And now, my love,
And now it's there.
In my reach,
In my grasp.
You're offering it to me again.

And now I'll live my dreams, my love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*smiles and hugs*

This is just a blossom of hope and joy. Ill be reading it often.