Saturday, April 24, 2010


Whether a self imposed wall
Or a physical limitation,
It leads to a space where no one can push through.

Doubt. Fear. The crushing desire to run.
To, from. Towards, away.
It depends.

But in the end,
It is not the distance that grows or shrinks;
It is your attitude and your will.

Today was a normal day. Well, not really. I spent it with a friend, feeling safe and happy.
And then something happened. A phrase. A simple phrase took me to a place where I should not be.
I shrugged it off, but even now I can feel it nagging at me and pushing to the front of my mind.
Even now, my hands are shaking. I'm trying so hard to... not let it effect me. Or my actions, my words, my presence.

My friend, a man that would never do to me what my mind is nagging at, doesn't deserve to be attached to anything remotely close to that.

My fear, my topic and my thoughts are; will I ever be able to disassociate men with him?

Some say yes. Some say no.

I just tremble and try to hide it.

I'm sick of hiding.

I'm sick of distance.

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