Monday, April 19, 2010

Bad Day

Sometimes things just don't work out right. You get up, everything seems fine, you go about your day without any worries, without any problems, and then suddenly it hits you. It comes from nowhere, that first chip in the armor, that first crack before the inevitable break. You may not even see it as bad at first, it's small, inconsequential. Then it starts to grow, a snowball rolling down hill it swells exponentially. More and more pile on, each action leading to a worse consequence, it's overwhelming, it all started out so simply...

I find myself today in a very off mood, which is only compounded by the fact that the day started so well. But then I got a text message from a co-worker, asking for me to cover a shift. Now this in itself wasn't a problem, a simple no would take care of the problem I figured. I had a lot of small chores to handle, a couple movies that needed to be returned today, and I was unwashed and generally feeling at ease and relaxed. Today was not a day for work.

But then the texts continued to come, my co-worker, with no ill intent I could detect continued to pry, asking me why I wouldn't take the shift. Each time I felt my mood dip, my general attitude shift from content to annoyed. He may have had some good points, but the discussion of the virtue of being lazy vs making money was not something I was looking for. I had given him my answer, and each stab at my reasoning just brought me lower and lower.

It soured me, I still feel the general malaise of sullen dullness. I want now to just curl up and forget the day, sit back and do something mindless. I want to vent myself of the weighty emotions, they do nothing for me. Those chores I was supposed to do now seem distant in my mind. I don't want to get a shower, don't want to do laundry, don't want to sit and write. I just want to be... sullen. Be dark, be moody. I want to just stare at the world with a heavy brow. I want to hide away in the darkness of my mind.

These feelings, these emotions, this tainted day. I know they'll all pass, sooner than I imagine I will be uplifted again, feeling lighter, a weight off my mind. Nothing dragging me to the floor anymore, I'll be me again. But for now I just stew in my own soured state of being. I lay around and gruff at things that would normally make me happy. I become a beast that has been awoken, slowly stomping about till I can once again slumber.

All in all, I'm just having a bad day.

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