Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Due to a rather heavy storm and lack of communication between me and my family, I spent this previous weekend drinking contaminated water. The entire time I felt generally unwell until it finally accumulated into full blown sickness this past Monday, and I am still now feeling ill. Although I am through the worst and feeling better, it was an all around unpleasant experience, as being sick always is.

Being sick is rough, in more ways than just physical. Even a head cold can be completely debilitating to your life. We become so vulnerable when sick, weak and exhausted... Everything hurts, everything is loud and too bright, your skin tingles and shudders. You vomit, you expel, you purge... You wither. Mentally you become sullen, withdrawn, everything becomes dull. You're alone because you don't want to get others sick, you're upset because your boss yelled at you for calling out. Sickness comes and takes everything, it takes your mind, body, and time.

Getting over illness is a slow and awful process, expunging germs and bacteria through phlegm, mucus, and vomit. You ooze disgust from every orifice, you become the walking dead to those around you. You feel the worst you've ever felt, laying your head over cold porcelain, gasping for breath through wet putrid lips...

Of course, later you realize how wrong that is, that you weren't alone. You had your loved ones caring for you, suggesting remedies and giving sympathy. They made sure you were taken care of, becoming stern in telling you to get rest when you were being belligerent. In your worst moments, you have those who care the most for you making sure you would rise again. They all know that it's all temporary and aide you, as you need it, to wellness again. As horrible as you feel during those times, you always know that no matter how bad you get, you'll always have someone who will help you get better.

Still, being sick sucks.

1 comment:

Rick said...

being sick does suck & thank god I dont get sick often, but as Ive been told, when I do something I dont do it half assed, so when Im sick, Im SIIIIIIICK

Get well Will