Saturday, March 20, 2010


Now a while ago I talked about motivation and getting past the distractions that keep us from getting around to doing something. But here, today, I'm gonna take the flip side. We all know those people, they work way too hard. Maybe you are one of these people, working two full time jobs and going to school as well. The kind of people who put every ounce of effort into their work, and none into their personal lives. In short, they have no distractions, nothing to take their mind off the world.

What a way to live, concentrating solely on work... They make no time for friends, they make no time for hobbies, they just work. Maybe they're saving for something, maybe they're trying to pay something off. They always have their reasons, but it's always such a sad thing to see, someone not enjoying something silly. They don't sit down and play a video game, they don't go out on the town with friends, they don't even read a book. They don't just... stop. And sometimes that's what you need to do.

Now like I've said in the past, you really should put forth the effort to get motivated, break away from the easy rewards and get to making something rewarding for yourself, but whats the point of it all if you don't slow down for a few moments and just enjoy whats already out there. There's so much to do in life, it can be hard to justify sitting down in a park and watching the sky pass by, taking a late night walk and marvel at the stars, or sit on a bench on a busy city street and just watch the ballet of people and cars for a little while.

People sometimes get so worried about life passing them by they don't ever seem to let it pass for a few moments and just absorb it. They're too busy with life that they can't enjoy life. Now I'm not saying throw everything down and never work... If you need to work as hard as you do for something important, keep at it. But try and grab a few hours a week for something else, something slow. Enjoy a book, go to a movie, take a nice leisurely stroll through town. Do something that's not so stress educing yo end up with an aneurysm at twenty-seven.

Just relax a bit, your world won't crumble because you didn't produce anything for five minutes. Let the weight come off your shoulders, it won't feel like the world is this crushing impenetrable thing. Just stop, take a breath, and take in whats happening around you. Do something that's not a necessity before the time comes where you want to, but can't.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller

1 comment:

Rick said...

Another very good blog, thx for taking the time to write it