Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Beginnings are... a hassle. You put so much time and effort in such a small part of your life. Beginnings are fleeting, they're moments long, they go even faster than they came. But for some reason we put such great importance on the first anything. The first kiss, the first job, the first lover...

But at the beginning, you're a novice. You're new and untrained, you don't know how to kiss, you need to be trained how to flip burgers, and your first sexual experience is best left unsaid. But for some reason these awkward, untrained, and embarrassing moments are what we spend the most time worrying about, why?

It's because we're told that a first impression is everything. The first time you meet someone, they'll decide how they feel about you within the first hour, and then their mind will never change. What bologna. I can tell you, that bad first impressions, that horrible encounters with someone can be the bases of incredibly strong friendships. And yes, I can prove it...

Manda, my other half when it comes to this site, have been close friends for over a year and a half now. When we first met we talked for a while about various things...But ask either of us what we really remember about our first conversation...

The fight.

We had a heated, dare I say epic, fight over Buffy: The Vampire Slayer on whether or not it was a good show. It got to the point where Manda, fed up with the argument, and hoping that I wasn't completely and utterly hating her left the chat room. After some coaxing from others who had her Yahoo Messenger, she came back apologizing to me.

For what, having an opinion?

She was so sure I hated her, despised her, that she came in apologizing to me for liking a television show. But I can tell you something... it was that fight that made us friends... It's because of that fight that I wanted to get to know her, the reason we took our conversation out of the chat room. We spent all night and into the morning talking to each other.

She's my best friend now.

So I say to you not to put so much effort into those first few minutes... They cannot tell you everything about a person, place, or thing. Because even if you hate it at first, you might find yourself coming to love it.

I mean, if that wasn't true, nobody would like anchovies....


Manda said...

Oh wow, Iam... Tell everything you know, don't you?

I love this post. It's so true. You cannot tell everything based on that initial contact... I mean, if that were true that would mean you were an arrogant bastard with shitty taste in television shows.


Anonymous said...

Personally, Ive never watched Buffy, *ducks from Manda*. I do know though if I judged from an initial contact Id have at LEAST 2 less friends that I can think of just off the top of my head. I used to think of them as arrogant bastards til I got to know em.

Anonymous said...

Most of the best moments in my life were highlighted around aggravation, pain, sadness. I guess life is just like that. You can't have much good without the bad, and sometimes the bad turns out to be the right thing.