Monday, March 29, 2010

Jumping Back In

Vacations are great, you get to spend some time to yourself, not worry about all the little things in life. You can relax, and get to what you want to do. But eventually vacations end, you have to go back to your job, you're normal routine. Returning to a routine can be just as hectic as disrupting one, coming back after being gone... You suddenly feel like you're new again.

Expected to preform acts you've so joyously distanced yourself from, those old muscle memories slow to respond. You fluster, you flub, you make mistakes. The tension mounts, you wonder why you took that vacation at all. You tell yourself you should have stayed where it was comfortable. The familiar is so inviting, no change, no expectations, no excitement.

Eventually the muscle memories kick in, we become settled in our norm. The tension is replaced with ease, we find ourselves again. That break is once again welcomed, enjoyed. Thought on with fondness. We let those thoughts of staying in the familiar pass, and start planning our next disruption of the routine... We jump back in, and find ourselves.

But damn if picking up where you left off isn't hard.

1 comment:

Rick said...

I agree I hate stopping & restarting, just gets me pissed off at the world