Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh, Baby Don't Hurt Me

What is love?

Is it predestined connection, where for every person there is the ONE other that can complete them, love them entirely and without withholding?

Is it a chemical reaction in your brain, too much dopamine and norepinephren. A large build of up serotonin, a release of vasopressin?

Is it an emotional struggle, built up over time from laughter, tears, fighting, smiling, talking?

No matter what it is, humans are centered around it.

Websites built around finding it, songs written about losing it, sanctified rituals that promote the outward symbolism of it, fights and hate over who is allowed to feel it for whom.

What is important in life? Most of the typical answers revolve around this all consuming notion of love.
Friendship; the neutral love of another human being without sexual passion or romance.
Family; the bond of love between those considered your net, your support. Even to some, the love of someone who shares your blood.
Spouse of significant other; simply said, romantic love.

But why?

Why this ever going search for love, whatever it may be in a technical sense?

Is it because we’re afraid of being alone?
Is it because we have been told for so long that love is the meaning of everything?

Is it the movies, the TV, the music, the stories, the poetry?

What is it?

I think, in my small pocket of introspective wisdom, that when we can answer this question THAT is when we are ready to find the thing most of us strive for.

Love isn’t just the goal; it’s the first thought, the people along the way, the footsteps behind you, and the long stretch of road in front of you.

Love is the journey.


Rick said...

I for one, seek out love simply for the reason, I dont like the person I am when Im lonely

Dre said...

I'm going to guess you saw charlieissocoollike sing chemical love today? Cuz if not this coincidence is creepy to me, cuz I just watched it.